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Atmel Original Site Design, Implemented 2009
Atmel set out to redesign their 8 year old, antiquated website with a highly customizable, responsive design based on user needs.
This approach was taken because focus groups revealed that Engineers hate being marketed to. They just want easily accessed specs, docs and parts.
With this need in mind, the site was designed with quick access to content. Only Atmel's homepage was designed to promote only key products, visuals are based on realism and addresses real issues and benefits. The balance of the site provided concrete information quickly links and i Site design is responsive.
Atmel partnered with Bulldog who provided site assessment and design services.
The new site design is customer focused. placing an in-depth product search and product selector in first read position, and less important items, including our brand, on the right side of the page.
Atmel Site Redesign. Est. Launch Fall 2016
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