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> Watch XSense Contest Promotional Video

XSense Design Contest Page

> Watch Product Launch Intro Video

Creative:  Atmel XSense campaign announced a flexible, super-thin, film-based touch sensor that enabled Smartphone makers to make edgeless touchscreens with rounded edges. The headline for the campaign, “Go Beyond the Edge,” inspired customers to create a new design for touchscreen products. The visuals and headline for the campaign were 3D models to promote this new curved form factor. 

Audience: Design engineers.


Goal: The campaign’s goal was to educate and inspire the design engineer, to get design wins for this new, and very cool, touchscreen technology. 

Campaign Components: Microsite, videos, brochures, data sheets, some social media promotion, PR, and XSense design contest.

3D Product Ideation

Corning and Atmel Cobranded Show Signage

Concept Pitches

Approved Ad

Go Beyond the Edge

robin berman

Creative Director for Technology and Consumer Products

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