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Creative:  Creative style graphic. The design premise illustrated how Atmel’s knowhow enabled all these functions within the core of the device, which freed up actual board space and allowed design engineers to design more freely. 


Audience: Design Engineer.


Goal: Position Atmel as a player in ARM, grow market, and increase share and engagement.


Campaign Components: Microsite, videos, brochures, data sheets, PR, social media promotion, and a sales launch box. 


Results:  Within one year into the campaign, Atmel obtained over 100K landing page visits, with a 213% increase in data sheet downloads, 71% increase in application note downloads, 165% increase in document downloads, and more then 4000 SAM D Eval. kits and 9000 samples were shipped. 



4 - 13

Collateral Samples / Campaign Launch Kit - Image Gallery

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Think Beyond the Core

robin berman

Creative Director for Technology and Consumer Products

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