Creative: Atmel’s MakerSpace to Marketplace campaign was designed for Maker outreach Maker Faire events. The aesthetic approach of the campaign was fun, with a bit of street edge, and was purposefully non-corporate.
Audience: All engineers, kids of all ages, anyone who tinkers, DIY types, and start-ups.
Goal: Ongoing outreach that positioned Atmel as the thought leader at the heart of the Maker makes development easier. To align Atmel with Arduino, to push the AVR brand, and to establish a rapport with customers, hopefully transferring them into Atmel's professional, integrated development platforms as their careers evolve.
Campaign Components: Event microsite; videos; mobile trailer; traveling AVRman, Atmel's maker mascot; PRl; lots of social media promotion (blog, Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn); KickStarter promotion; global trade shows; and events.
Results: More then 500 blog posts, with 332K page views; social media engagements increased, and the campaign successfully achieved a cool buzz for the Atmel brand.
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Corporate Maker Faire Event Site


Atmel Maker Infographic. Infographic distributed through social media and at corporate events.

Atmel Bits & Bites Blog Site

Social Media Promotional Efforts
MakerSpace to MarketPlace Article
Author: Atmel Editoral
Traveling AVRman, postcard designs distributed on social media to promote Atmel's visit to the Whitehouse.

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